The heroes of today's episode are Paul Dirac, Richard Feynman and Murray Gell-Mann. These giants of theoretical physics have consistently proposed increasingly outrageous mathematical models to explain the behavior of quantum particles that make Neils Bohr seem like a conservative! Funny thing... those outrageous models, which even seem to contradict logic (think the non-emptiness of emptiness, for instance), seem to explain the nature of reality better than any alternative hypothesis.
I wonder if there is some deep significance about Schrodinger's cat being named Dawkins... :)
Of course, I would count the cat as an actual observer, in which case there would be a definite answer as to whether it was dead or alive before we opened the box ;) but I get the point... sort of...
Watch related videos and documentaries:
The Elegant Universe, with Brian Greene (part 1, part 2, part 3)
E=mc2, Einstein and the World's Most Famous Equation
The Large Hadron Collider: The Six Billion Dollar Experiment
Einstein's Unfinished Symphony
Einstein's Equation of Life and Death
Richard Feynman on The Pleasure of Finding Things out
Of course, I would count the cat as an actual observer, in which case there would be a definite answer as to whether it was dead or alive before we opened the box ;) but I get the point... sort of...
Watch related videos and documentaries:
The Elegant Universe, with Brian Greene (part 1, part 2, part 3)
E=mc2, Einstein and the World's Most Famous Equation
The Large Hadron Collider: The Six Billion Dollar Experiment
Einstein's Unfinished Symphony
Einstein's Equation of Life and Death
Richard Feynman on The Pleasure of Finding Things out