Causality governs the universe, argues the Merovingian in this famous scene from the Matrix: we are all puppets, mostly unaware we are controlled by the eternal and unforgiving strings of cause and effect. We act to satisfy our desires, but we do not control our desires, nor do we have a choice about what desires to have. Our subjective experience of freedom is contradicted by the metaphysical constraints the world imposes on our physical and mental being.
Neo and Morpheus believe everything begins with choice, but without an explanation of how this is possible, that remains a platitude. Whatever your take on the issue, the Merovingian has, at the very least, an explanation consistent with his ontological commitments. Do you?
For related questions, you might also be interested in The Matrix and Philosophy.
And if you want to learn more about the female orgasm, check this out.
And if you want to learn more about the female orgasm, check this out.
The Merovingian is such a great character... it's sad how much wasted opportunity there was to develop his character. They could have worked The Matrix Reloaded to be as balanced as the first film, offering as much philosophical intrigue as action, but instead they ruined it, as well as The Matrix Revolutions, by progressively increasing action scenes and reducing moments of philosophical insight. In this film, the Merovingian scene is my second favorite; the Architect scene is hands down number one (just because of the absurd linguistic double-talk... brilliant).