Philosophy Monkey
Your source for fun, humor, edumacation and critical thinking.
Plato - Crito
After having been unjustly convicted of the bogus charges brought against him in that most infamous and influential of trials , Socrates w...
The Philosophy of Christopher Nolan
Ever since I first watched Memento and its fascinating exploration of the philosophical question of personal identity as constituted by ...
Voltaire - Candide
The philosophical problem of evil—the question of how the existence of unnecessary suffering is possible in a world created and sustained ...
Arrow - A Celebration of Love
Life is hard enough as it is. Existence, in many ways, is suffering. Obviously, some have it much worse than others, and that matters, but...
If 'Despacito' Were Written by an Evo-Devo Biologist
If you are a geek, you are likely to get excited over things others might find boring, laughable, lame, etc. You still like what you like,...
James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley
James Baldwin, the great essayist, poet, civil rights activist, writer and orator, would have turned 93 this week. In order to commemorate...
Genius of the Ancient World - Socrates
Few figures have been more important and influential in the history of civilization than the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates . And it...
The Presocratics
Anyone who's ever contemplated Raphael's celebrated painting The School of Athens knows that the painting centers, quite literally...
President Obama's Farewell Address
As his presidency sadly comes to an end, President Obama delivered last night what is sure to become one of the most powerful and memorabl...
John Berger - Ways of Seeing
Art critic John Berger's recent death has left a huge void in the world of art appreciation. While his career prompted numerous contro...
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