Landmark Civil Rights Act Made Racism Slightly Less Overt

As we start to celebrate Black History Month, The Onion wants to make sure we remember key historical events that a nation proud of its rich and diverse cultural heritage should never forget.

One such event is the Civil Rights Act, that landmark piece of legislation that finally made it illegal to openly discriminate against black people and women.

Of course, if you could get creative and indirect in your discrimination of these minorities, then that's a completely different story. Then, you're a creative person who should be allowed to freely express that racist creativity in novel, interesting, inconspicuous and unexpected ways. Can I get an Amen?! :)

Why not check the Martin Luther King, Jr. tag while you're here?

1 comment:

  1. FACT: all of U.S. will croak someday sometime somewhere and FACT: our souls are also indelible (they‘re eternal). I also believe Almighty God made U.S. that way precisely because God loves U.S. and God wants us to enjoy the splendors of Heaven to never croak; but, yet, there’s also two choices of whether we wanna follow the whorizontal deceit, the relativism of this zoological psychosis of the Devilish world which turns U.S. away or follow God. One other choice to think about: how lengthy is this finite existence VS. the utter vastness of the universe which we may take part in? That’s free will. Make your choice… Isn’t atheism super-cool now? To not believe in anything but your own pride and vanity? To not care about what comes AFTER death? God bless you. Your choice, dude. Wanna join me for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy in the Great Beyond celebrating our resurrection for time without end? Find-out what RCIA means.


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