Saving Ryan's Privates

Over the course of the last week, you may have seen the following video starring Representative Paul Ryan (Chairman of the House Budget Committee) presenting his so-called "path to prosperity" for America.

If you're an ideological Republican (the kind easily mobilized by sound-bites instead of well-reasoned arguments, strong evidence and attention to detail), you may have creamed your pants...

Of course, painting a picture with broad strokes looks nice... until you start to look at it up close and realize that this plan is everything Republicans hated about Obamacare, plus $750 billion to fuck the poor. Maybe that's why they like it now? :)

But Jon Stewart has a simpler and more efficient plan to help ease our debt :)

I give up with these people...


  1. Yeah it drives me insane. On one hand I'm glad he's putting something out there. At least he has some balls. But I think the poor and middle class have been trounced on enough.

    Cut the miltary and make our empire a little smaller, up taxes a lil bit and maybe we won't be the next rome.

  2. Right on, or at the very least stop pampering the very same corporations we already bailed out after they collapsed the economy...


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