Thank You!

Dear readers: While taking a break from this blog, and as I've been trying to figure out how to deal with some recent personal problems, I've received many words of support and encouragement from good friends, former students and regular readers of this blog, including many I've never met.

So, I wanted to say thanks to all of you for your support. It really means a lot to me that there are people out there who care. Who needs invisible gods when there is real flesh and blood to create communities of warm support? :)

As I continue to struggle through these difficult times, I will start to blog again, but I do expect my entries to be sporadic, intermittent and random for a while. And in all likelihood, I imagine that I may also use some of them to vent some anger and frustration, so please bear with me.

And again, thank you!


  1. I have gone through some challenging times in my life, but to date, i have managed to learn a lesson in each instance, and make changes for the better. I know that someday i am going to be the recipient of something that will rock my world, and i think about how every event in my life, from the glorious to the mundane, will be seen through a filter; nothing will ever be the same.I hope that when this time comes for me, i will have the courage to make the best of a bad situation. It's so easy to say "keep your chin up" to someone who is suffering when all is well in your world.
    It sure seems like you have already learned something, the fact that you are loved by a lot of people- and it IS helping you deal with whatever you are going through, and you will get through it

  2. Welcome back sir. Now my edumacation may resume. :D

    Happy to know that you're getting the love you need. :)

  3. What Darrick said! "Welcome back!" Yay!


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