My Brilliant Brain: Accidental Genius

Some people seem to be born genius, others acquire genius through experience and dedication, and others still seem to have genius thrust upon them by the vicissitudes of life, though at great personal cost: abnormal prenatal development, strokes, manic personalities and brain injuries.

We marvel at the seemingly unnatural abilities displayed by savants like Kim Peek and Daniel Tammett, but is it the case they have abilities the rest of us don't possess, or is it possible we do have these abilities, but are simply unaware and unable to deploy them because they are hidden and obscured from conscious awareness by more complex brain processes? You are about to find out...

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1 comment:

  1. Money: the one thing a savant has not to worry about. So long as one expresses such unnatural abilities in public, wealth can be easily acquired.
    Surely we all have the ability to create images and music in our minds, but to have the skill to articulate them outside of the mind without any prior training is something I'll bet anyone would love to do; at least for a moment. With some electromagnetic thinking cap that would temporarily give someone savant-like abilities, we could all unlock our brains and experience the expression of creativity in a way we never could have thought possible.


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