Would You Vote for Nietzsche or Kierkegaard?

When it comes to the serious issues in life, we have seen before that Jesus is wrong for America, and that Kant's philosophy is unobtainable. Nietzsche seemed to be the victor, but Kierkegaard's supporters are not willing to give up their existential struggle to produce a teleological suspension of the ethical. Will the real great Dane please stand up?

Who would you vote for? :)


  1. It's a pretty funny attempt to make Nietzsche look bad, but it won't work. Kierkegaard's Knight of Faith can't stand up to Nietzsche's Overman. Not to mention, Kierky came into the polls late... he'll be like Perot or Nader, stealing left-over votes that would have gone to Kant. Nietzsche will win.

  2. Kierkegaard in 2008! Kierkegaard in 2008! Kierkegaard in 2008!


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