Holier Than Thou Bullsh*t

I've had my share of problems with Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama for quite some time now, and it looks as though Penn & Teller seem to share some of that attitude, although it seems for some quite different reasons.

Mother Theresa, and the catholic church in general, have been responsible for the spread of the HIV virus to an estimated 4 or 5 million innocent and gullible people in India and the African continent, since they advocate religious views against the use of birth control, even though no respectable scholar believes in natural law theory any longer. Yep, they're willing to sacrifice the health and lives of millions of people just to secure their own tickets to heaven... how noble...

Did you know that Gandhi was, for a while, categorically opposed to 'western' medicine? That's right, so when his wife got really sick at some point, Gandhi would not allow her access to western medicine; she died as a result of the lack of medical treatment. A few years later (two or three, I can't remember now), Gandhi himself got pretty sick as well, and wouldn't you know it, he was quite ready to invite western medicine back into his life and survived as a result. Yeah, he was totally willing to sacrifice others for his principles, but not himself... What a saint! Did you also know that he used to complain about how much he detested his wife's appearance? He used to complain she looked like a cow. And yes, he used to sleep with multiple teenage girls every night, but not with his wife... after all, she looked like a cow...

And my problems with the Dalai Lama might be more based on a difference of attitude and personal philosophy than on any facts about his actions, so I either have not much to say about this, or a blog entry would simply not be enough.

In any case, the entertaining video below shows that Mother Theresa, Gandhi and the Dalai Lama, despite the good things they might have done at some point, were also pretty big assholes and con artists.


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